Physiotherapist and Master in Rehabilitation Sciences from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG, Brazil). I was a scientific initiation student (scholarship holder) under the guidance of Professor Christina DCM Faria in Neurofunctional Physiotherapy. I was a monitor of the disciplines: Kinesiology applied to Physiotherapy, Resources in Physiotherapy I, Neuroanatomy. I participated in the project Construction of Concept Maps in Teaching Subjects of the Department of Morphology (2015). I have articles published in journals with a high impact factor on neurological rehabilitation. I am currently a doctoral student in the Postgraduate Rehabilitation Sciences program at UFMG, under the guidance of Professor Christina DCM Faria. I am member of the research group on Adult Neurological Rehabilitation at UFMG (NEUROGroup).
Neurorehabilitation, Stroke Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation.