Editorial Biography

Salete Balula

Salete Balula

Principal Researcher,
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
University of Porto

Salete graduated in Technological Chemistry at Univ of Lisbon in 1997 and completed a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry at Univ. of Aveiro in 2004. Salete worked for approximately two years in international research groups: Emory Univ, USA, and De Montfort Univ, UK, learning innovative methodologies to prepare oxomettalic compounds. After the PhD, she started postdoctoral work in ox metal complexes: synthesis and catalytic applications, at the Univ. of York, UK, and in CICECO. During this time, she developed her expertise in Material Science and Catalysis. Since 2009 she has been a researcher in LAQV-REQUIMTE /DQB FCUP working in oxidative catalysis. She published more than 110 papers in international journals (h-index = 33).

Research Interest

Materials, Heterogeneous catalysts for epoxidation.