Editorial Biography

Peter Kneppo

Peter Kneppo

Department of Biomedical Technology
Czech Technical University in Prague(CVUT)

Peter Kneppo completed his education at the Technical University of Power Engineering in Moscow receiving M.Sc. in 1964, graduated with C.Sc. degree (PhD equivalent) in Measurement Instrumentation from Institute for Measurement Theory, Bratislava in 1972 and obtained his D.Sc. in Measurement Science from Slovak Academy of Sciences (1983).
Dr. Kneppo is the director and the chief executive officer of the Slovak Institute of Metrology, Bratislava, Slovakia. Earlier, he worked for the Metra Blansko Company in the Czech Republic from 1964 to 1965, then he moved to the Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences as senior research scientist and was promoted to the scientific director (1993) he took a leading role in developing and implementing new medical devices. As Associate Professor he teaches undergraduate, graduate, and short courses on biomeasurement and modeling at the faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Slovak Technical University, Bratislava and the Technical University, Kosice.

Research interest
